

Slatina ist eine Stadt im kroatischen Slawonien. Sie liegt in der Gespanschaft Virovitica-Podravina, an der Kreuzung des Drautals und der Ausläufer des Papuk-Gebirges, im zentralen Teil der Region Podravina. Zwischen 1542 und 1687, als sie von österreichischen Truppen besetzt wurde, war sie unter osmanischer Herrschaft."Slatina" bedeutet auf Kroatisch "Salzsee". Allerdings gibt es dort keinen Salzsee mehr.Die Besonderheit dieses Teils der Podravina ist die ausgeprägte natürliche Zonierung, die sich in der wirtschaftlichen Bewertung der Region und der Rolle von Slatina widerspiegelt. Klimatisch gesehen liegt das Gebiet in einer Zirkulationszone der gemäßigten Breiten, fast auf halbem Weg zwischen den dynamischen Zirkulationszonen der kalten polaren und der warmen tropischen Luftmassen. Dies führt zu sehr häufigen und intensiven Wetterveränderungen.

№115 in Cities of Croatia

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The Slatina Maps


(18 reviews)
very good!!!
The beautiful Castle at this place was wonderful. I loved its unique architectural design which gave it the stunning looks. Our tour guide gave us an amazing story of the castle. We were happy when we left.
We wanted to have a clear view of this place from the top of the mountain. Our guide helped us reach the top via the shortest route. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful. We took pictures of the view and had fun before going down. An amazing trip.
I was fascinated with the history of this town. It was so astonishing. It was also quite beautiful. It hate state of the art facilities from wineries to spas. It was so relaxing walking on the streets of this town and admiring its beauty
This town is so beautiful. I really admired their buildings.They were spectacular. I loved the restaurants in this town. They offer delicious Mediterranean food. It was such a relaxing vacation i experienced in this town.
Our guide had a vast experience of mountain climbing and he took us to the top without much difficulty. We enjoyed the beautiful view of this place from the mountain top. It was amazing.
I loved the beautiful castle with magnificent architectural design. It was the best place I toured at this place. It was great being here.