

Orahovica is a town in Slavonia. It is located on the slopes of Papuk Mountain and close to the state road.Orahovica has a well-developed industry (production of tiles, panel parquet, wine production, fruit and vegetable processing, metal processing ...). Agriculture plays an important role for the city's economy (farming and livestock, freshwater fish, fruits and vineyards).The name Orahovica is derived from the word "orah" (walnut).Orahovica was first officially mentioned in 1228, in a historical document issued by King Andrew II. Ruzhica Fortress, not far from Orahovica, was first mentioned in 1357 as a royal estate. In the 15th and first half of the 16th century, the city was a thriving community owned by various patricians.

№246 in Cities of Croatia

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5.0 (1 review)

The Orahovica Maps


(11 reviews)
The food at the resturants around was delicious with different dishes being served ranging from the freshly cooked fish to the mediterranean dishes that were exquisite.
Accommodation at the area was top notch with quality modern facilities that offered great services and luxurious stay that is welcoming.
very good!!!
The Mali Ston people are so kind and friendly to stay with. It is a nice place to visit and enjoy the peaceful environment
No better words can explain the beauty that beholds Orahovica lakes. So many people had come for a vacation here and everything was just amazing. I had alot of fun at the lake.
I visited Orahovica with my girlfriend. I had a good time bonding and relaxing in the deep shade along the lake. This place is relaxing.
The view of the village from the catsle is amazing and thrilling with the sight of the lake and the amazing people in the village.