St. Jacob


St. Jacob ist ein kleines Fischerdorf, das im nördlichen Teil der Insel Loshinj über dem Meer liegt und die kleinste Siedlung der Insel ist. Um das Dorf herum sind seit langem alte Olivenhaine gepflanzt worden, und die Küste hat sandige Buchten und Strände, wo es angenehm ist, die Tage zu verbringen. Im Dorf können Sie zwei Kirchen sehen: die Kirche St. Jakov und die Pfarrkirche St. Maria, die im 19. Jahrhundert gebaut wurde, auf dem Hauptaltar sind Bilder aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.

№576 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The St. Jacob Maps


(4 reviews)
Located on the Island of Losinj, this small town quite popular because of its fish delicacies. I visitd some of its churches like the Sv. Jakov and Parish of St. Mary, I was really fascinated with their paintings and their altars. They were so magnificent.
Naming the village and not including the various beautiful churches that surround the place is totally off. We had a visit to some great churches around the village and loved the sight of the paintings and the different interesting sculptures that the churches hold.
very good!!!
The village had a great history and the landscape too was great. We toured the village and came across the olive plantation and we loved learning of the processing of the olive oil. We had a chance to take some with us after the tour from the stores.