Srednje Selo


Srednje Selo malo je mjesto, prema najranijim zapisima nastalo u srednjem vijeku i nema antički kontinuitet. Smjestilo se uz cestu između Grohota i Donjeg Sela te slično kao i Donje, sagrađeno je na blagim obroncima sjevernog ruba Sridnjeg polja. Danas najmanje i najslabije naseljeno mjesto otoka Šolte, nekoć je bilo mjesto poljoprivrednika, maslinara i vinograda koji su svakodnevno obrađivali zemlju na šoltanskom polju koje se rasprostire ispod mjesta. Gusto raspoređene kamene kuće i napuštena stara škola govore o nekim prošlim vremenima kada je u ovom mjestu živio velik broj ljudi. Slično kao i u drugim selima, nepravilno raspoređene kamene ulice zatvaraju stambene sklopove. Nekoliko sklopova, među kojima se ističu Purtića i Lukin dvor, imaju znatnu ambijentalnu vrijednost i odlično su mjesto za ovjekovječiti fotografijom-

№520 in Cities of Croatia

The Srednje Selo Maps


(4 reviews)
This town is so ancient. I loved how its abandoned buildings are still in good condition. Its cobbled street could tell a lot about its history. I is s really good place for people interested in history. Its ancient abandoned state was so thrilling
very good!!!
The one thing that i loved most about my visit at the place is the tour at the vineyard. The guide through the yard was friendly and we had the best time getting to know the history as well as the process of wine making. We had the chance of wine making through the tour and it was enjoyable.
A walk down the streets of the place was one of the entertaining things and we loved the experience. Lovely houses and picturesque place with beautiful architectural buildings and structures. Nice complexes that were fun to visit and we enjoyed fully.