

Nach den schriftlichen Überlieferungen und mündlichen Erzählungen der älteren Bewohner dieser Gegend wird Lobor bereits 1257 als Castrum Lobor erwähnt. Der Name stammt wahrscheinlich vom lateinischen Wort Labor (Laboratorium), und man nimmt an, dass die Römer in diesem Gebiet ihre Werkstätten und Steinbrüche hatten. Als Zeugnis ihres Aufenthalts hinterließen sie Grabsteine, von denen sich einer (cecellija superiana), der 1857 ausgegraben wurde, im Archäologischen Museum in Zagreb befindet.Heute ist die Gemeinde Lobor über eine asphaltierte Straße zu erreichen, und jeder Wohltäter findet hier gutes Trinkwasser, Strom, Telefon und Gas in jedem Haushalt und sozialen Standard. Erwähnenswert sind auch die größeren Veranstaltungen in Lobor, wie der Loborer Karneval und die Feier des Tages der Gemeinde, Janine.Unberührte Natur, saubere Luft, klare Bäche, kulturelle Werte und ein großes Herz der Einheimischen sind die Hauptmerkmale von Lobor und genau das wird all jenen geboten, die diese Gegend besuchen wollen.

№311 in Cities of Croatia

The Lobor Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
We toured the Archaeological Museum where we saw the tombstones left as a trace of Romans. I joined the locals with a big heart in the celebration of the day of the municipality, Janine. They offered us with a place to rest in their households, the household had good drinking water and electricity.
This village has been in existence since the mid 13th century. It's a town located on a valley surrounded by dense vegetation. Its air is so different. The people here were so hospitable and welcoming.
The place has some cultural values and activities that are fascinating. We enjoyed the the event that was hosted by the locals at the place. It was entertaining and we had the chance of interacting with the natives around and loved the whole thing.
We visited this place and the naturality of the place was amazing the atmosphere is so cool and the water is clean. The place also has a history of romans with their quarries there and the remains can also be seen.
It was wonderful to learn where the of the name Lobor was derived from. We learnt that it comes from the word Laboratory and that the Romans ruled them. They even set up workshops and quarries here.
We toured the archaeological museum and were lucky to find the excavations of the tombstones of the deceased Romans who stayed here then. The artefacts in the museums were well organized and the museum was well kept and spacious to accommodate the 10 of us. The tour guides were knowledgeable and explained everything into details.