

Der älteste und größte Ort der Insel Šolta heißt Grohote und war schon immer das wirtschaftliche und verwaltungstechnische Zentrum der Insel, auch wenn die Einwohner hauptsächlich aus Kalkstein, Bauern und Fischern bestanden. In Grohote gibt es engeGassen, schöne authentische Häuschen mit Innenhöfen und Tavernen, und das alles verleiht Grohote einen rustikalen, alten mediterranen Charme. Diese wertvollen alten Bauwerke tragen zum Erleben eines authentischen Inselambientes bei und werden deshalb mit dem Ziel restauriert, die traditionellen Werte der Inselarchitektur zu erhalten und das Stadtbild möglichst authentisch zu machen. Das Leben auf der Insel im Laufe der Geschichte wurde in einigen Szenen der berühmten kroatischen Fernsehserie "Velo misto" authentisch dargestellt. Die wurde größtenteils in Grohote gedreht,

№301 in Cities of Croatia

The Grohote Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
We walked along the cobbled streets as we took in breathtaking gasps of the fresh air around. As an architect lover, i loved the medieval architecture of buildings , they offered a good spot for us to take pictures. We watched the way of life on the Island throughout history in the famous Croatian television series.
The village gives ancient rustic vibes. Its an old town. The streets are so irregular. I loved its ambience. It was so cool and relaxing. The cottages were so beautiful. It was a magical experience visiting this town.
Authentic place with a taste of the great architectural design and buildings throughout the area. The place has a great history that precedes its fascinating features. We visited the church and it was peaceful and had a beautiful architectural buildings that was awesome on the interior and exterior.
We had a lot of fun on this island the architecture of the buildings was so beautiful. This place has a cool old atmosphere and there are cute cottages.
We walked along the cobbled streets as we gasped fresh air in the charming Mediterranean atmosphere. The cottages had inner courtyards that were spacious and had a good view, relaxing to the body, mind and soul. It was a magical place to spend my holiday.
The taverns offered us with wines of different flavours, the beer were served both warm and cold. My film students were fascinated by the acting skills and the mastery of filming skills depicted in the Croatian Television Series Velo mistro. It gave us ideas on places to shoot our film the next time we tour this location.