

Die Gemeinde Caglinska liegt im östlichen Teil der Gespanschaft Pozega-Slavonia in der hügeligen Gegend von Dilj gora und Krndija. Sie wird in Dokumenten aus dem 15. Jahrhundert erwähnt. Die hügelige Landschaft und die Unterentwicklung zwingen die Bevölkerung dazu, in Siedlungen mit günstigeren Lebensbedingungen zu ziehen, die meist außerhalb der Gemeinde liegen. Die Bevölkerung ist hauptsächlich in der Viehzucht und Landwirtschaft tätig.

№483 in Cities of Croatia

The Caglin Maps


(4 reviews)
very good!!!
The documents in the museums were very resourceful to me in learning about the rich history of the municipality. The economic activities of the people fascinated me as an investor that i got some ideas on what to invest especially in the processing industries. My tour to this place was worth it.
This place had adequate rainfall throughout the year. I loved the cool climate and fresh air. The smell of wet soil was relaxing. I visited a beekeeper and learned a bit about bees. I was given a jar of honey as a present. It was a wonderful experience.
Visiting a place far from the city just gives a wonderful escape experience. Interacting with the locals and learning and just experiencing a bit of the local culture adds to the experience. I enjoyed especially just participating in some of the locals activities. An interesting place to visit generally.