Zaton Doli


Zaton Doli ist ein Weiler an der Grenze zu BiH. Reich an Gastronomie, können Sie hier Meeres-Aphrodisiaka kosten, die Sie genießen werden. In unmittelbarer Nähe gibt es eine spektakuläre und berühmte Saline Ston und eine kleine Insel des Lebens, die mit dem Boot erreicht werden kann. Die Insel ist unbewohnt, enthält ein Schloss, schöne Strände, die Muschelfarmen umgeben, und wird so ein Ort für einen perfekten Urlaub und Aufenthalt in der Natur.

№534 in Cities of Croatia

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Zaton Doli
5.0 (1 review)

The Zaton Doli Maps


(4 reviews)
very good!!!
This town is so small. I enjoyed seeing seeing its salt works. I found it so fascinating. I enjoyed every moment i spent here. Its view was so amazing. There are plenty restaurants to try out local cuisines.
The salt works place was remarkable and was one of the reasons for visiting the island. The history of the place and the processing were interesting to listen to. Wonderful place and time that we experienced throughout as well as the tour at the castle was remarkable.
The vacation to the island was superb and the experience throughout the place and beaches were spectacular. The views of the sea and the landscape were dazzling and we had fun at the beach and enjoyed it fully.