

Vrbovsko befindet sich im äußersten Osten von Gorski kotar. Vrbovsko gehörte den Frankopanen, die Eigentümer und Herren dieses Gebiets waren, und ist einer der ältesten bewohnten Orte in Gorski kotar. Eine bedeutende schriftliche historische Quelle ist auch das Modrushki urbar aus dem Jahr 1486, in dem die Region Vrbovshchina, Gomirje und Lukovdol erwähnt werden. Die verkehrsgünstige Lage war lange Zeit ausschlaggebend für die Ankunft zahlreicher Besucher und Gelegenheitsreisender in Vrbovsko, wie die Tatsache beweist, dass das Gastgewerbe in Vrbovsko parallel zum Bau von Straßen und Eisenbahnen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert entstand. Der Fremdenverkehr hält immer mehr Einzug in das Leben der Bürger von Vrbovsko, was das vorrangige Ziel ist.

№284 in Cities of Croatia

The Vrbovsko Maps


(11 reviews)
The historic attractions at this place were great. I toured several sights and I was amazed by their beauty of them. I then went to the beach to swim to cool off the heat of the day. The trip was fine.
On arrival I learnt that Vrbovsko belonged to the Frankopanska who were the owners and masters of this area. I also saw the written historical sources related to the Modrushki urbar. It was a great learning experience.
I love the scenic beauty of this place that is surrounded by green vegetation. In the restaurants around, the catering services were on top notch- they were fast and friendly to us. The weather was favourable to us and the atmosphere were lovely.
This town has been inhabited since the 15th century. It is a really old town. One could tell by its ancient architectural design and style. It is surrounded by dense vegetation. I enjoyed taking a nature. It is such a lovely and unique town.
The architectural design of this town just stands out. I really loved every moment I spent here. The buildings were in good condition despite the town having existed since the 15th century. The town is surrounded by immense nature.
I loved touring the green forests in the region. I was curious to explore the wildlife of the location and learn about the indigenous vegetation in the land. It was an adventurous and learning experience.
I learned about the history of the location and was awed by the revolution. the land initially belonged to the Frankopanska who were masters in the area. also, the modernization of the location is what has opened it up to the world.