

Im Zentrum des nördlichen Istriens, 348 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel, erhebt sich inmitten der Naturschönheiten die Stadt Roc, etwa 10 Kilometer von Buzet entfernt. Die Stadt wurde in der Antike gegründet - zunächst als illyrische Siedlung, dann als römisches Castrum, das von zahlreichen kleineren Siedlungen umgeben war.Im Mittelalter verwandelte sie sich in eine befestigte Burg, die durch Mauern und Wehrtürme sowie das Kleine und das Große Tor getrennt war. Im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert war Roc das Zentrum des kroatischen Schrifttums, der Redaktion und des Drucks auf der Grundlage des ältesten slawischen glagolitischen Alphabets.Das heutige Aussehen und die Vorstellung von Roc gehen auf die Zeit der venezianischen Herrschaft zurück. Roc, das zum Ziel vieler Besucher, Touristen und von der Geschichte, dem glagolitischen Alphabet und der Schönheit des Hügels unterhalb der Cicarija, der sich durch das Mirna-Tal zum warmen Meer hinunterzieht, verzaubert wurde, hält mit den modernen Ereignissen Schritt.

№258 in Cities of Croatia

The Roc Maps


(11 reviews)
A good history that the place holds and it is backed with the awesome castles that dates back in time. The place also hosts some events that celebrates the culture of the place and we had the chance of attending one of the event and it was fabulous.
This place had beautiful clean beaches where we went to swim and sunbathe. We loved lazing in the sun eating ice cream from the local vendors. We later enjoyed watching the sun set behind the hills and the stars appear in the clear sky.
We went hiking at the hilly place when we had the chance of visiting the place and totally loved the experience on the walk. Great weather and atmosphere and the nature was rich with beautiful flora. One of the best feelings that i had at the trip to be out on the woods.
Lots of sites that we managed to visit and loved the rich history that the place had completely. The castle was pure bliss as we visited the place with my fiance. We had several pictures as we toured the sites and the guide was awesome and helpful walkthrough.
The place was flocking with people at the event that was organised at the summer. The experience was awesome and we had a chance to interact with new people and we enjoyed ourselves on the event. Unforgettable experience and we would love to visit the place again.
The nature train at Roch is wonderful and gives the best experience of hiking snd walking the feels theraputic and refreshing. The vegetation is amazing and lovely to watch.
Roch has amazing history and we visited the wonderful historic sites at the place and we were perplexed by the unforgettable experience that we had at the place.