

Radini ist ein Dorf in der Republik Kroatien, Teil der Gemeinde Brtonigla in der Gespanschaft Istrien, auf halbem Weg zwischen den Städten Umag und Novigrad. Zu Beginn des Sommers findet im Zentrum von Radini traditionell das Fest der Muttergottes von Lourdes statt, das jedes Jahr zahlreiche Besucher anzieht. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung wird jedes Jahr ein traditionelles Radrennen mit anschließender Abendunterhaltung organisiert. Durch die Nähe zu den größeren istrischen Städten können Sie leicht den Strand erreichen, die historischen Zentren der Küstenstädte besichtigen und gastronomische und kulturelle Einrichtungen und Attraktionen genießen.

№497 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Radini Maps


(4 reviews)
We joined the locals and the visitors in the Feast OF Our Lady of Lourdes and i loved the interaction i had with different from different walks of life. I also loved and appreciated how the locals have preserved their traditions through this feast that comes at the beginning of summer.I especially loved the evening entertainment, the lively aura of the music playing in the air left me dancing to the refreshing beats of breathtaking music.
I came to this place in time to watch the annual cycling event. It was crowned by traditional dances and delicious local foods. I enjoyed the sweet local wine and at the end of the day I was dead tired but happy.
An exhilarating experience is how best I can term my visit, I visited during the summer and had the chance to enjoy one of the local traditional fest coupled with a bike race and some evening entertainment. The Locals are friendly people, the best thing about this place is its strategic location that make it easy for one to visit the beach and some of the historical sites near the place.
very good!!!