Insel Proizd


Die Insel Proizd, die 2007 zu einem der schönsten Strände Kroatiens gewählt wurde, ist bekannt für ihre besonders schönen Badeplätze. Vor allem FKK-Gäste genießen die Atmosphäre einer abgelegenen Insel. Proizd liegt im Nordwesten von Vela Luka und ist mit dem Boot zu erreichen. An der Nordküste der Insel befindet sich der beliebte Kiesel- und Felsenstrand Bili Boci, der mit seinen ungewöhnlichen Felsen beeindruckt und einen schönen Blick auf die Nachbarinsel Hvar bietet. In der Nähe der Anlegestelle befindet sich ein Restaurant, das einzige auf dieser kleinen, bezaubernden Insel und somit das einzige Gourmet-Zentrum, in dem man lokale Spezialitäten und schöne Aussichten genießen kann.

№40 in Islands of Croatia

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Insel Proizd
4.3 (6 review)
Insel Proizd
4.5 (6 review)
Insel Proizd
4.5 (4 review)
Insel Korcula
4.3 (3 review)
Insel Korcula
4.0 (4 review)
Insel Korcula
4.0 (1 review)
Insel Korcula
4.5 (4 review)
Insel Hvar
4.5 (4 review)

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(22 reviews)
My boat ride from Vela Luka to this Island was so relaxing. This Island is quite remote. I loved its pebble beach, It was so beautiful. I enjoyed walking in its waters. It was such a wonderful experience.
For anyone looking for a secluded Island, this is the perfect Island. I loved every moment I spent on this island. Its beaches are not crowded and I loved tasting their traditional delicacies. The view of the Island of Hvar from this Island was amazing.
I toured beach Bili Boci in this location and I loved the pebble beach. The wife enjoyed swimming away in the cool waters with the kids while I got some reading done as I basked in the sun and cool atmosphere.
The restaurant near the pier in this location was a great experience. I loved how it was close to the beach hence I could have my meal as i enjoyed the spectacular view and cool breeze. I loved the experience
The remote island was very quiet and relaxing. I enjoyed bathing in the waters and refreshing myself in the island restaurant where it had a variety of desserts and meals to choose from.
The pebbles at the beach were beautiful it really lit up the mood. The neighbouring island was also very charming, the views were legit and it was also a great place for creative photography
I discovered that it was the most precious Island being chosen as the most beautiful beach in croatia in the year 2007. The day was so sunny and I ought to take a bath in one of the beautiful place set aside for showering. Honestly, I will come back soon.