

Erdut is a village and municipality in eastern Croatia, located some 37 km east of the larger city of Osijek, located on the border with neighboring Serbia. The name Erdut comes from the local Hungarian word meaning "forest road". The settlement was first mentioned in 1335 under the Hungarian name, and then as a town in 1472.Today, the excellent tourist potential of sports on the Danube and Drava, through customs and monuments from the past, with recognizable wines is what makes this municipality special.

№175 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

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very good!!!
Walking in the grapevines was awesome. The smell of the grapes was refreshing and the cool atmosphere was just what I needed. I ended up in one of the wineries and enjoyed watching the process. I bought some wine to take back home.
The medieval castle was my main event when i visited that place, it was built in such an amazing way. I also loved touring the village there and meeting other people and making new friends
We went on a class trip to this village and we learned about the name of the village coming from a Hungarian word meaning 'forest road'.It being in the outskirts of Osijek and bordering Serbia made it easy for us to meet different people and learn about the roles played by the two places at the border. It was an educative trip.
I learnt about the administrative role of the village, it being a municipal and is made special by the tasty and sweet wine produced in the area. I engaged myself in different sports in Drava and Danube such as kayaking.Had a satisfying feeling being here.
This town has existed since the early 14th Century. The Erdut castle is such a historical monument. I visited it and the beauty of its ruins and history just stands out. From the castle one could see the Danube River. It was such an epic site.
Since this town is near river danube and drava it is known to host international watersports. I visited this town and I really enjoyed canoeing on River Danube. It was a wonderful experience for my friends and I.