Modro oko i jezero Desne


Prekrasno područje Modro oko i jezero uz naselje Desne djelomično je potopljena krška depresija na obali Neretve. Najveće je Modro oko u obliku malog krškog jezerca čije vode imaju nebesko plavu boju. Izvor je kaptiran te se koristi za vodoopskrbu naselja Desne koje je u obuhvatu općine Kula Norinska. Područje karakterizira obilje vode i močvarnih staništa. Osim kao krajobraz, ovo područje je također značajno i sa stanovišta biološke raznolikosti jer sadrži ugrožena staništa, a važno je također za seobu i zimovanje ptica

№484 in Lakes of Croatia

The Modro oko i jezero Desne Maps


(4 reviews)
I loved watching the sun rays dazzle on the karst lake whose waters have a sky blue color. of great interest was watching the migration of wintering birds, i took a video to remember the unforgettable experience. A good viewpoint for the biodiversity of the area.
I brought my kids to this place because of the many you're activities. At the youth park, they participated in skate board, swinging and mountain climbing. There was a wide variety of dishes and ice cream. We all had a great time.
I enjoyed visiting the locations, the blue color of the lake is just gives a cool and calm sight to take in. I enjoyed the biodiversity of the location, one can fully enjoy and take in the nature giving a lovely experience. It is a wonderful escape from life in the city, I would recommend a visit especially to nature enthusiasts.
very good!!!