

Susak ist eine einzigartige Insel in der Adria, sowohl in Bezug auf ihre Herkunft als auch auf ihr Aussehen: Die Insel taucht schon sehr früh auf Seekarten auf, zunächst unter dem römischen Namen Sansacus oder Sansegus. Die erste Erwähnung der Insel in schriftlichen Quellen geht auf die Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts zurück, als die Sarazenen und die Venezianer in ihren Gewässern aufeinander trafen.Die meisten Einwohner leben nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf der Insel Susak. Die erste Siedlung, deren Ursprünge bis in die Römerzeit zurückreichen, entstand auf einer fruchtbaren Hochebene und wird Gornje selo genannt, während Donje selo, das sich im Hafen befindet, jüngeren Datums ist und während der Blütezeit des Weinbaus im späten 19. Jahrhundert

№119 in Islands of Croatia

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The Susak Maps


(18 reviews)
We visited Susak with some pals of mine and we painted the town. Everything was superfun and the stops at the light houses to admire the views from the top were something else. I recommend this town to all, looking to have fun.
Susak is a very charming town. I loved the churches. The stillness and quietness inside was ideal for praying and enjoying the silence. I left feeling like a new man.
My girlfriend and I stayed in this town for a month and we have never forgotten the experience. We really loved the hotels that we were staying in that were located right next to the sea. It was nice to stargaze at night and enjoy the cool breezes.
very good!!!
The history of this Island dates back to the 9th Century. It is really isolated, which I found to be a good thing since its beauty has been preserved very well. I loved their vineyards. They were marvelous
This Island's history was so fascinating. I enjoyed swimming in its waters and sunbathing on its beaches. The surrounding was so quiet and peaceful. This island is so secluded with little population.
I noticed that this location has a distinctive and authentic culture that they have preserved over the years. First the archaic speech, which they have maintained due to their isolation, and cultural costumes worn during festivals. It was great experiencing the culture of the people.