Otok Pag


Otok Pag je poput mjesta iz talijanskog filma iz 1950-ih, savršen za crno-bijeli set- bez vegetacije, stjenovit i boje sepije, s ogromnim, praznim pejzažima. Jadran je čelično plavetnilo oko njega, a kad je nebo olujno, otok je najdramatičnije mjesto u cijeloj Hrvatskoj.  Posljednjih godina Pag je postao sve popularniji otok za posjetiti, jer se odmaralište Novalja - sjeverno od otoka - smatra jednim od hrvatskih vrhunskih odredišta za zabave. S razumnom količinom klubova na otvorenom koji su ujedno i mjesto održavanja nekoliko ljetnih glazbenih festivala, Novalja je savršeno mjesto za one koji žele zabaviti svoj godišnji odmor. Međutim, otok je mnogo više od fenomena Novalje i Zrća - pun je bogate povijesti i kuhinje koja samo čeka da bude otkrivena.  Mirna strana otoka Paga mjesto je za duge šetnje i razgledavanje otkrivajući bogatu povijest otoka - uključujući i degustiranje tri najbolje, a i najpopularnije hrvatske delicije: paški sir, pašku janjetinu i pašku sol. 

№605 in Islands of Croatia

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Explore the food near Otok Pag

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Otok Pag
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The Otok Pag Maps


(4 reviews)
I had an entertaining vacation just like I wished. At night we enjoyed the lively aura of the music playing in the clubs around. I was delighted to join the locals and visitors in the summer music festivals that enabled me shake my body vigorously. I was lucky to taste the best and most popular Croatian dishes which include Cheese, Pag Lamb and Pag Salt here.
The view of this place from afar was breathtaking. The beach was clean. The lush vegetation and fresh air made me feel relaxed. It was not overpopulated making it ideal for the kind of lone vacation that I needed.
Visiting the place was a much needed experience, apart from the chance to taste some delightful local delicacies, I got a chance to experience the entertainment offered. The Best part of the tour was the walks I did in the quiet side of the Island, a place that offered one peace enough to relax and clear one's mind; The greatest of it was the three popular delicacies from Croatia.
very good!!!