

Područje Novske bilo je vlasništvo grofice Katarine Svetačke, sve do najezde Turaka (počevši 1530.), a potom i Kristofora II. Godine 1540. postao je turski vazal. Uvidjevši da ne može zadržati svoje posjede, predao je sultanu svoje četiri utvrde, a među njima i Novsku, tadašnji Wyvar. Tijekom turskog pohoda i pada najpoznatije tvrđave na ovom području - Kraljeve Velike - 1544., Novska je potpuno pala pod tursku vlast, a u to vrijeme crkva sv. Dimitrija je uništena.Urbanom ustrojstvu Novske dan je obris u 18. stoljeću, prije svega naseljavanjem Krajiške ceste, koju je dala sagraditi carica Marija Terezija, zatim građenjima stambenih objekata s obje strane potoka Novljančice. Trokut čine tri glavne i najstarije ulice. U 19. i 20. stoljeću nadogradnja je mijenjala i upotpunjavala urbanu jezgru i naselja.

№109 in Cities of Croatia

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The Novska Maps


(18 reviews)
very good!!!
I loved the calm yet modern ambiance in this location. the buildings have a modern touch in their construction and the establishment of restaurants and shops give it a modern look. I rented one of the apartments and absolutely loved the quality of the services provided.
I learned about the history of the location. It was initially the property of Countess Katarina Svetachka until the invasion of Turks, when it became the property of Christopher II, who handed it to the Sultan. The location has undergone various rulers and has positively developed over the centuries.
My stay in this town is so memorable. I loved spending time in this town. The restaurants were so good. The accommodation facilities were modern and well kept. The architectural design of this town was so amazing.
The beauty of this town was astonishing. Its Architectural design just stood out. It was so fascinating and mesmerizing. The buildings were well planned and in good condition. I loved this town. The people were so friendly and hospitable
It was my first time seeing the old bicycle with one huge wheel at the front and small at the back, i used to wonder how they rode it until i saw it the town is a quiet town with good environment for a walk, it is also a very safe haven
The town has everything you need from restaurants to cafes to supermarkets to recreational activities, m favorite one was playing paintball with the lads, and afterwards sitting on the street benches and having a good time