Sveti Križ Začretje


Malo je naselja koja su uspjela očuvati svoju naočitu urbanu ili ruralnu fizionomiju kao što je uspjelo Svetom Križu Začretju, mjesto koje se smjestilo na brežuljku u dolini rijeke Krapinčice, gdje se ona spaja s potocima Šemnicom i Pačetinom. Uz cestu Zagreb – Macelj , gotovo na pola puta između Zaboka i Krapine, na visoravni niskog brežuljka. Prvi dio naziva mjesta, Sveti Križ, nastao je po crkvi posvećenoj Svetom Križu. O drugom dijelu naziva mjesta Začretje postoje dvije verzije. Samo mjesto smjestilo se na povišenom tlu okruženim samim lugovima. Na površinama današnjih sjenokoša bila je nekad krasna hrastova šuma zvana “hrastina”. Narod je takav lug nazivao “čret”. Stoga bi jednostavno rekli: “Idemo za čret” te je s vremenom nastalo Začretje.

№470 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

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Sveti Križ Začretje
4.0 (1 review)
Sveti Križ Začretje
5.0 (1 review)

The Sveti Križ Začretje Maps


(4 reviews)
I learnt of how the concept of " Let's go for the devil" was created, our tour guide told us that there was once a beautiful oak that people called the devil. The meadows surrounding the elevated grounds glorified the magical beauty of nature. Will definitely come back .
I came to this place for an active vacation. I went hiking for hours. I rented a bike which I used for cycling around the town. It was great to feel relaxed. I made friends who were funny and they made me laugh a lot. I enjoyed my stay here.
A place surrounded with meadows, a fresh and captivating change in scene for any person living in the city. Interacting with the inhabitants and getting to hear some of the legends of the area make sthe visit a little bit interesting. I would recommend it to anyone just seeking to go somewhere away from the city.
very good!!!