There are few settlements that have managed to preserve their distinctive urban or rural physiognomy as the Holy Cross Zachretje, a place located on a hill in the valley of the river Krapinchica, where it joins the streams Shemnica and Pachetina. Along the road Zagreb - Macelj, almost halfway between Zabok and Krapina, on a plateau of a low hill. The first part of the name of the place, the Holy Cross, originated from the church dedicated to the Holy Cross. There are two versions of the second part of the name of the place Zachretje. The place itself is located on elevated ground surrounded by meadows. On the surfaces of today's hayfields was once a beautiful oak forest called "oak". The people called such a grove "devil". Therefore, they would simply say: "Let's go for the devil" and in time the Conception was created.
№470 in Villages and settlements of Croatia