

Valun, ein typisches Fischerdorf an der Bucht von Pernat und an der Bucht von Cres gelegen, ist weithin bekannt für die Entdeckung der berühmten Valun-Tafel. Dieses außergewöhnliche Dokument, das für die Geschichte und die Kultur der Kroaten in der Region von großer Bedeutung ist, stammt aus dem IX. Jahrhundert und kann heute an der Wand der Pfarrkirche St. Die Felsplatte ist für ihre gut erhaltene zweisprachige Inschrift bekannt, eine in glagolitischer und die andere in lateinischer Sprache.Unterkunft ist leicht zu finden, entweder in privaten Wohnungen oder in einem kleinen, gepflegten Campingplatz, besonders geeignet für alle, die ihre Freizeit gerne in der Nähe der Natur verbringen. Valun ist aber vor allem eine Stadt, die für ihre gastronomischen Spezialitäten bekannt ist, insbesondere für Muscheln und andere Meeresfrüchte, die professionell und mit großer Sorgfalt nach ausschließlich traditionellen Rezepten zubereitet werden.

№74 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Valun Maps


(20 reviews)
I went for a mass with the locals in the sunday morning at St. A church and it was a blessing. Having carried along my fishing equipments i engaged myself in fishing which was part of my hobby. An ideal place to keep in my records
The well kept rooms gave me a peaceful moment at night as I recalled a jovial time i had during the day. The staffs in those apartments were so friendly and i created a strong bond with them. What a fantastic vacation.
We wanted to enjoy a quiet vacation. This place had very nice private apartment that suited us. They were well furnished and clean. We sat indoors watching movies and enjoying each others company and in the evening, we enjoyed watching the beauty of the sunset while sipping sweet wine. It was an amazing vacation for us.
The sea foods at this place were delicious. I loved the shell fish the most. The restaurant here served fish dishes that were prepared in a traditional way making them even more delicious. I loved it
I loved shellfish and other types of fish. This place had great recipes of all types of sea foods. They were prepared traditionally in a special way. I enjoyed eating the goods from the restaurants at this place.
We came here to camp for three days. We enjoyed night dances around the campfire during the night and long walks coupled with cycling and hiking during the day. Our stay was enjoyable.
The Glagolitic inscriptions in its church were stunning. They were in Glagolitic. This town was so diverse. The restaurants in this town serve delicious shellfish.The view of this town was amazing