Donji Miholjac


Donji Miholjac liegt im Herzen der Ebene, ist eine Stadt in Slawonien, an der Drau, und grenzt an Ungarn. Die günstige geografische Lage und die natürlichen Gegebenheiten wie die Nähe der Drau, dichte Wälder usw. haben im Gebiet von Donji Miholjac seit dem Paläolithikum bis heute günstige Lebensbedingungen geschaffen, wie zahlreiche archäologische Funde belegen. Sein Name stammt vom Heiligen Michael. Im alten Rom hieß sie Mariniana. Für den Namen "Mariniana" gibt es mehrere Etymologien. Eine besagt, dass er vom römischen Personennamen "Marinus" abstammt. Die zweite besagt, dass er aus einer indoeuropäischen Wurzel stammt und "Sumpf-Tal" bedeutet.

№348 in Cities of Croatia

Explore the food near Donji Miholjac

Donji Miholjac
4.0 (1 review)

The Donji Miholjac Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
The geographical location of the town was interesting and made it easy to access from other areas using the great transport systems. The bed in the hotel room was very comfy and the surroundings very beautiful. Very good.
Sharing breakfast with other families from the town resulted to new adventures. While the kids played with their mates, we went for hiking along the marked hiking trails as we marvelled at the beautiful nature. Donji Miholjac is a lovely place.
I had a great breakfast at one of the best hotels in the town and there were new entrees every day.The chef knew how to charm us with his great food, the chef also makes something special for anyone who has birthdays there. Very incredible.
I was excited to reach this place, where I enjoyed long walks in the woods and fresh country air. The greenery was so refreshing and pleasant to look at. The sound of animals running around in the woods was an unforgettable experience. The natural river below was such a sight to behold. I loved the place.
The history of the place is one of the fascinating things that it has in conjunction with the architectural structures that bless the plain. We had the opportunity of visiting the archaeological sites and loved the pleasing appearance and its sight.
We walked in the dense forest with the help of tour guides, the walk was worthwhile as we admired the beautiful sceneries as we gasped in fresh air. We found different species of plants and animals in this place, thank God they were protected. We also collected some archaeological artefacts and set our eyes on archaeological artefacts in the archaeological find in this location.