Weiße und Samara Felse


Der Weg inmitten des grünen Gorski Kotar in dem von Kroatien mit dem größtmöglichen Schutz versehenen Gebiet begrenzt heute das strenge Naturschutzgebiet - Weiße und Samara-Felsen. Die Natur muss hier unberührt und wild bleiben, so dass Sie das Privileg haben, durch das Reservat zu wandern und nur Fotos und Erinnerungen mit nach Hause zu nehmen.Sie wandern auf dem Vihora-Weg, dem legendären Pfad, der zwischen den Felsen White und Samara verläuft. Erfahrene Bergsteiger halten den Vihoraški-Weg für einen der schönsten Wanderwege in Kroatien. Um einige Abschnitte des Weges zu bewältigen, müssen Sie mit Armen und Beinen und mit Hilfe eines Seils und einer Leiter ein wenig über die Felsen klettern. So technisch schwierig der Weg auch ist, die Aussicht, die Sie am Ende des Aufstiegs erwartet, ist das schönste Erlebnis

№122 in Cities of Croatia

The Weiße und Samara Felse Maps


(17 reviews)
With the good gear for the activity, we went rock climbing and enjoyed the activity. My friends and i had an amazing tour and enjoyed the panoramic views of the landscape and beautiful nature.
The hiking trail was amazing. This place has very unique features. Its nature has not been tampered with. The white rocks were s spectacular. I made a lot of memories hiking on this reserve.
I wanted to be alone and that is why I wanted to come to this place. I rested well and went back feeling relaxed.
It was an exciting experience to walk through the reserve, along Vihara road where we took some photos . It was both a scary and exciting experience to climb at the mountain using our legs and arms with the help of the lamb and the ladder. At the top of the mountain, the views of the surroundings were panoramic.
As a mountaineer, it was a pleasant feeling to climb at the top of the mountain and watch the magical views of the surrounding.A walk through Vichora Ski trail as we admired the scenic beauty of nature and gasps of fresh air was therapeutic. The weather was favourable and the atmosphere lovely.
I really loved this place the rocks and nature of this place are so cool. It was a lot of fun climbing the rocks and the view up there is so breathtaking.
We came here for mountain climbing. The rocks were such a spectacular sight. We climb to the top of the rocks was not easy but we managed to reach there. The view of the Island from the top was breathtaking. I could have stayed here longer hadn't it been for our guide who alerted us of time up.