

Dieser Weiler befindet sich auf der Insel Ugljan. Eine Besonderheit ist die Kegelbahn im Zentrum von Varos, die sich auf einem kleinen "Platz" befindet. Dort bereiten sich die Männer- und Frauenmannschaften auf das traditionelle Kegelturnier SHUG CUP vor. Bowling ist ein beliebter Sport auf der Insel Ugljan. In Varoš kann man auch die Kirche der Heiligen Hippolytus und Cassian sehen, die im 11. oder 13. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde und 1374 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wird. In der Vergangenheit wurden hier ungetaufte Verstorbene beigesetzt.Sie können diesen Ort von Zadar aus mit der Fähre zur Insel Ugljan erreichen, einen Tagesausflug machen oder bleiben, um die Vielfalt der ganzen Insel zu genießen.

№344 in Cities of Croatia

The Varos Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
It was an exciting experience to play the bowling game in alley that was friendly to us and suitable for the game. What i loved most was the spacious square left out for both men and women to play. I enjoyed every moment at this place.
We loved the diversity of this island with lots of sights to behold. Of interest was the Cassian building whose archicteral design is something every architect should have a look at.I appreciate the good work of the craftsman involved.
It was like a dream come true to find the Church of St Hippolytus which i had read in documents that it was used to bury the unbaptized deceased. I loved how it was well maintained upto date and how the staff inside were friendly to us. They made our trip comfortable and unforgettable.
The landscapes and the green creation at this place made me feel relaxed. I loved the cool countryside air and the flowers. The and the smell of wet soil made me feel happy. A great gateway from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Aside from the beautiful churches and the cemetery that holds the history and the place. We attended the bowling tournament that was exciting and we enjoyed the experience and the great competition at the place.
It was a special place for me and my friends, we were taught bowling by the friendly people here. The bowling alley is located on a small Square in the center of Varosh. I also visited the church where the unbaptized deceased people were buried and it is neat and well preserved upto date.