Otok Premuda


Premuda je otok s istoimenim selom, smješten u zadarskom arhipelagu, jugozapadno od otoka Silbe, odvojeno kanalom Silba, i sjeverozapadno od otoka Škarde. Na sjeverozapadnoj obali nalaze se otočići Lutronjak i Kamenja. Brojne uvale su potopljeni dijelovi kratkih, suhih, poprečnih dolina.Otočno selo Premuda smješteno je u unutrašnjosti sjevernog dijela otoka. Osim malog izvora slane vode u uvali Loza, na otoku nema drugih izvora niti površinskih vodotoka. Premuda je uglavnom pokrivena šipražom i niskim šumama. Glavna zanimanja su poljoprivreda, uzgoj vinove loze, maslina i voća, ribarstvo i turizam. Premuda je popularno odredište među nautičkim i ronilačkim turistima. Otok ima nekoliko vrlo popularnih ronilačkih mjesta. "Katedrala" je sustav povezanih špilja s prekrasnim svjetlosnim zrakama koje prolaze kroz porozni strop špilja. Još jedno poznato ronilačko mjesto je olupina austrougarskog bojnog broda SMS Szent István iz Prvog svjetskog rata, koji se nalazi na dubini između 40–60 metara i dostupan samo iskusnim roniocima.Otok je povezan s kopnom trajektom koji putuje od Zadra.

№36 in Islands of Croatia

The Otok Premuda Maps


(23 reviews)
very good!!!
I always have a relaxing vacation on this island. I love walking on the boardwalks along its pleasant coastline admiring the scenery. Sometimes I sit on the piers and enjoy the perfect sunsets. This island is just magical.
Premuda island has some unique places to visit. My friends and I visited the art galleries and admired all the rare collections. We later bought a lot of souvenirs sold at the small shops at discount prices. What a fabulous island.
This island is very pretty. I particularly loved its beaches where I could swim with my whole family including my small babies. Some spots were sandy and others pebbled and had awesome facilities. I recommend it to all families even with small kids.
Every ancient civilization's architectural styles lover should visit Premuda. I had a great time visiting the museums and ancient towers and admiring them. The guides were really knowledgeable and told nice stories about the structures, It was a fun trip.
My kids are in love with this island. We vacationed here and after watching the adorable dolphins play and even touching them, the island captivated their hearts. They now never get enough and always insist on coming to Premuda.
I always love alone time and where else to enjoy it, Premuda. I love taking quiet walks and visiting the beautiful cathedrals that have serene environments. I always recharge after spending time in solitude inside, enjoying the quiet moments.