

Pleternica ist in seiner Geschichte als Markt-, Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum bekannt. Heute ist Pleternica eine Stadt mit 11.286 Einwohnern, die ihr reiches kulturelles und historisches Erbe pflegt, das sich am besten in den Tagen des "Lidas" widerspiegelt. Pleternica wurde erstmals 1270 unter dem Namen des Heiligen Nikolaus erwähnt, und dieser Heilige ist noch immer der Schutzpatron der Stadt. Die Schule in Pleternica wurde 1779 gegründet, die Freiwillige Feuerwehr im Jahr 1892. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts wurden der Gesangsverein, der kroatische Sokol und der kroatische Lese- und Bibliotheksverein gegründet. Heute ist Pleternica gut vernetzt und wirtschaftlich stark, wobei es sich vor allem auf die Holzindustrie stützt. Naturliebhaber können in den umliegenden Hügeln, Lichtungen und Wäldern spazieren gehen, auf die Jagd gehen, angeln oder andere Attraktionen des ländlichen Tourismus nutzen.

№354 in Cities of Croatia

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(9 reviews)
As a nature and hiking lover, this place was just heaven earth. I hiked on the hills and the beauty of the untouched nature that made the place alive was marvellous, took several pictures. I made some unforgettable memories here.
I was on a business trip to this town and the economic development here is awe inspiring. I got to learn several new market trends that i later modified them and applied them back home. It was very educative.
The town is rich in cultural and historical heritage. The wood industry is so immense and it produces amazing and quality furnitures, I ordered a great wall unit for my library. It was exciting being here.
We toured this place with my fiance. We loved the hotel which was set up in the nice quiet countryside. We enjoyed listening to the chipping birds as we enjoyed a lazy afternoon on our balcony. The sunsets were beautiful and the evening breeze was refreshing. A romantic place indeed.
A cultural center with other amazing place and thing to witness and love about. The history of the place is interesting as well as the nature of the place with amazing forest and hills that creates a good place to have several activities and atmosphere is great. We went for hunting at the forest and the experience was unique with amazing things that fascinated me.
very good!!!
We went for a nature walk around the surrounding hills as we gasped the fresh air and the pleasant warm air around. During our walk we admired the green forests that portray the magical beauty of mother nature. Engaging in hunting activity is one of my unforgettable moments during my stay here.