

Prošlost Oroslavja neraskidivo je vezana uz prošlost dvaju oroslavskih dvoraca i nekoliko velikaških porodica, koje su bile njihovim vlasnicima i koje su ostavile duboki pečat u oroslavskoj povijesti. To su prije svega porodice Vojković-Vojkffy, Čikulini i Sermage. Oko dva dvorca odvijao se sve do početka XX. stoljeća cjelokupni ekonomski, društveni, politički i društveni život Oroslavja. Danas je, nažalost, ostao samo jedan dvorac, Oroslavje Donje, nekoć vlasništvo obitelji Vojković-Vojkffy, dok je drugi, Oroslavje Gornje, na mjestu današnje tvornice Astra, izgorio 1949. Dolaskom industrijalizacije krajem 30-tih godina 20. stoljeća Oroslavje postaje najveće industrijsko središte u Hrvatskom zagorju, a zajedno s industrijskim napretkom u Oroslavju se počinje razvijati bogat društveni, kulturni i sportski život.

№513 in Cities of Croatia

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The Oroslavje Maps


(4 reviews)
The history of Oroslavje was so fascinating. I loved visiting its castles and learning more about their histories. It was so fascinating. Though it is currently an industrial town, its history is so visible. I enjoyed spending time in this town
very good!!!
Entertaining place to visit on our trip to the place. We had the chance to visit the stadium and the experience was magical. Loved the structure and the tour around led us to some of the amazing achievements of the place. Friendly guide and fun to be with.
One of the exciting things about the place is the history of the place which is interesting. We had the opportunity of learning about it on the tour at the castle. Nice place with lots of fascinating things that are wonderful to watch.