

Mundanije ist der einzige Ort auf der Insel, der keinen direkten Zugang zum Meer hat, dafür aber unberührte Natur und Ruhe bietet, und liegt im zentralen Teil der Insel, was diesen Ort zu einer perfekten Wahl für Naturliebhaber und Aktivurlauber macht, da alle Einrichtungen in unmittelbarer Nähe sind. Das Fest des Heiligen Matthäus, das hier jedes Jahr am 21. September gefeiert wird, ist eine gute Gelegenheit, lokale Spezialitäten zu probieren und das reichhaltige Kultur- und Unterhaltungsprogramm zu genießen, das in ganz Mundani stattfindet.

№527 in Cities of Croatia

The Mundanije Maps


(4 reviews)
very good!!!
This is the perfect destination for an adventurous holiday. I enjoyed hiking to the the top of Kamenjak. It was such a wonderful experience. Its natural beauty was so amazing and untouched. I enjoyed spending time here.
The cultural heritage of the place was awesome and entertaining as we managed to visit the event that was organised during our trip to the place and the experience was remarkable. Unique taste from the delicacies to the wonderful variety of dishes that were unforgettable.
Rich nature with diverse flora that is exciting and one of the places that i enjoyed my tour around. Breathtaking views of the landscape and the hike up the hill was great as we encountered some amazing things that were remarkable.