

Na otoku Pašmanu imate još jedno divno mjesto, Mrljane. Ovjde, kao i kod većine mjesta ma otoku, imate dugu pješčanu plažu s velikim brojem bjelogoričnih grmova tamarisa. Ovjde imate veliki prostor kako biste se mogli odmoriti, baviti se aktivnostima na otovrenom, uživati u moru. Iz Mrljana se pruža pogled na otočić Garmenjak i Pašmanski kanal. Ukoliko dolazite brodom, vez možete potražiti u zaštićenoj lučici. Autohtona stara jezgra podno brda Semić, gdje se nalazi i crkva svetog Antuna Padovanskog. Svim ljubiteljima istraživanja preporučujemo posjet brdu Semić i obližnjoj špilji Pod Semićem. U mjestu Mrljane rekreacije, opuštanja i odmora Vam neće nedostajati.Do mjesta se može doći trajektom iz luke Zadar koji prevozi kako putnike tako i aute.

№45 in Cities of Croatia

The Mrljane Maps


(21 reviews)
I enjoyed and loved spending time on these sandy beaches. It is a really long beach with plenty of space. I kids really enjoyed playing all sorts of ball games on these beach. The had an amazing moment.
very good!!!
Swimming in its waters was so therapeutic. I loved its beaches. It was so calm and serene with a perfect weather. My visit to the Pod Semichem was so chilling. Resting in it was really nice.
The sandy beaches in this location offered a vast area for relaxation. I enjoyed basking in the bright sun as the kids engaged in the beach games in this location. I loved the fact that there were tamaris bushes around which provided ample space.
I enjoyed spending my evening at the cave pod Semichen. Watching the sunset with my fiance and taking in the beautiful nature of the open waters was the peak of my experience. I will visit again soon and bring my sister along.
The view of the town above was really good, i had a drone camera and really enjoyed good views of the vast sea and the town at night. The villas here are also very affordable and available you can't miss a spot at this place
The island was a wonderful getaway for me and my friends. We enjoyed walking in the quiet streets and taking group photos with the locals, and went ahead and explored the cave. It was really fruitful