

Najviši vrh na otoku Pašmanu je Bokolje, a ispod njega se smjestila Dobropoljana. Ovdje imate dugu plažu koja ima sve što biste poželjeli. Tu se možete uz kupanje i uživati u lijepim šetnjama uz morski zrak i ljepote ovog mjesta. Pogled na pašmanski kanal koji se pruža iz Dobropoljane je neopisiv, a još su čudesniji zalasci sunca koje možete doživjeti samo na ovom mjestu.Svi rekreativci ovdje imaju mogućnosti bavljenja sportovima na moru, biciklizmom, trčanjem, pješačenjem i planinarenjem na brdo Bokolj gdje se nalazi prekrasan vidikovac. Ukoliko dolazite morem, vez možete potražiti u lučici koja se nalazi u centru mjesta. Uživanje u gastronomskim delicijama i domaćim autohtonim proizvodima čine nezaobilazni dio ponude. Dobropoljana je mjesto avanture, zabave, druženja i ljepote dalmatinskog načina života u skladu sa tradicijom, kulturom i prirodom.Do mjesta se može doći trajektom iz luke Zadar koji prevozi kako putnike tako i aute.

№351 in Cities of Croatia

The Dobropoljana Maps


(9 reviews)
very good!!!
Our stay in Dobropaljana was good. We got a chance to book the best hotels that were beuautiful. The hotels are self contained.
I went for a boat trip in the rivers of this place .The color of water was amazing. So beautiful
The sea organ in Dobropoljana is outstanding because of true nature of sea waves.I enjoyed music as I stroll around. It was a moment tht will live in my memories.
Watching the sunset from the balcony of my hotel room was a source of peace and calmness for me. It was beautiful how the rays of the sun formed such an amazing scene on the water surface. It's one of those views not to miss.
During ng our class trip to the place, we loved swimming at the sea with the help of the floaters. WThe sandy beach was also a great place to play the recreational games for example building castles using sandy. We had unforgettable experiences.
We arrived here by ferry and the experience was mind blowing since i had never been on one. I was on a business trip and i learned a lot about the people in this place and their cultures, i also got to network with people from same and different fields from mine. It's an amazing place to visit.