

Malo selo Cerovlje sastoji se od nekoliko manjih zaseoka, smještenih uz sjevernu granicu istarskog poluotoka.Šetajući tim područjem lako ćete pronaći ruševine bezbrojnih gradova i dvoraca koji su tijekom stoljeća podizani i razarani. Naime, naselje je postojalo već u 13. stoljeću, kada ovim krajem vladaju akvilejski patrijarsi. Prvi se put se svojim nazivom, kao Cerovlje, spominje 1325. U Istarskom razvodu.Nakon doseljenja Rimskog carstva i preuzimanja nadzora nad većim dijelom Istre, razvoj crkava i jača obrana doveli su do razaranja manjih sela na tom području.Kao rezultat toga, oko Cerovlja ima nadasve puno zanimljivih mjesta za posjetiti, a cijelim svojim obilaskom nailaziti ćete na ruševne ostatke.Prirodnih ljepota i znamenitosti naravno ima u izobilju u svim smjerovima, pa se ovdje možete okusiti u upoznavanju mjesta šetajući. Kao dom nekih od najfinijih vina na Mediteranu, Cerovlje je pokriveno rodnim vinogradima.

№272 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

Explore the food near Cerovlje

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The Cerovlje Maps


(11 reviews)
very good!!!
II enjoyed visiting the vineyards here. I went to most of the vineyards and saw the process of winemaking. I bought some of the finest wines to take back home
The ruins were so captivating to look at and looked good in pictures, the waterfall was very calming and the waters were clean, and since the place is a native vineyard i had to taste their wines, they were so sweet i had to carry some. I enjoyed coming here
We took a walk around this place and graced our eyes with several sights such as ruins and castles. Around, the air is fresh and the ambience very cool.We walked into the castle and there were a prove of the ancients here.
Cerovlje is a place of interest with a rich history to learn about and even listen to interesting narratives about the roots of its existence. We got a chance to taste the delicious Mediterranean wines produced in the vineyards. We also carried some back home.
This town has been in existence since the 13th century. The churches were really magnificent. They were well decorated. I had the opportunity to explore its beauty and admire the buildings and surrounding of this town
This is a monumental town. It houses major castles within Istria. I really loved visiting the castles. I admired their cultural artefacts and historical collection that they had put on display. It was an educative journey