

Banj se nalazi na otoku Pašman, to je mjesto za posebno uživanje u načinu života Dalmacije, gastronomke tradicije i pridonih ljepota. To je mjesto koje ćete poželjeti posjetiti više puta. Krasi ga pješčana plaža na kojoj možete uživati u suncu, ali i prirodnoj hladovini tamarisa. Osim dijela uz more, Banj ima i autohtonu staru kamenu jezgru i crkvu Gospe od Loreta koja se nalazi na brdu Bokolj. Ukoliko dolazite morskim putem, vez možete potražiti u mjesnoj lučici. Za sve avanturiste i ljude željne aktivnog odmora tu se nalazi spomenuto brdo Bokolj koje ima uređenu stazu za planinarenje i šetnju po brdu. Osim toga, čekaju vas i brojne druge mogućnosti, poput trčanja u prirodi, dugih šetnji uz more, vožnje bicikla, uživanja u morskim sportovima ili meditacije na skrivenim mjestima uz more. Ovdje ćete zaista probuditi sva svoja osjetila i dobiti osobitu želju da se opet vratite. Zato budite spremni, Banj vas čeka!Do mjesta se može doći trajektom iz luke Zadar koji prevozi kako putnike tako i aute.

№305 in Cities of Croatia

The Banj Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
We enjoyed the way of life of the people of Dalmatia, they were welcoming and accommodative. At the sandy beach we enjoyed the sun and natural shades provided here. This is a place I will want to visit severally.
We went on a for hiking on the Bokolj hill and was fascinated by nature and the scenic beauty of the place.It was a perfect spot for meditation. Will definitely come back soon.
This was the place for me to awaken my senses and a enjoy the meaning of a vacation. All of us had something to enjoy; for instance myself I went jogging in the beautiful nature, my friends enjoyed long walks in the sea as they chit-chatted with each other. My other family members enjoyed the sea sports such as canoeing and kayaking.
This place was ideal for the active vacation that I needed. I enjoyed swimming in the warm water and surfing. Running up the tracks and cycling were my best sports. My vacation was not complete without a ferry ride. It was an amazing experience.
The island is filled with lots of amazing activities that we had the chance to engage in and we had a lot of fun. We enjoyed the sport activities that we witnessed at the sea and the atmosphere at the place was superb. The experience was unmatched including the great things that the island has.
I enjoyed the sun and natural shade at the sandy beaches in this place.I took a long a walk by the sea and it was the perfect therapy to awaken my senses. The autochthonous old stone core made me appreciate the good works of architects who built it.