Zhrnovska Banja is 3 km away and Medvinjak is only 1 km from the center of Korchula.Medvinjak and Zhrnovska Banja are settlements that belong to Zhrnovo, and they house numerous apartments and holiday homes.In Zhrnovska Banja there are taverns that offer traditional fish and meat dishes.Immediately at the entrance to Zhrnovo from the direction of Zhrnovska Banja, the road to Brdo (0.5 km) separates to the right uphill - a part of the village anchored among high rocks and from where you start walking towards Kochje - a protected landscape with interesting dolomite rocks of Cretaceous formation , 5 km).Korchula is the most forested larger Croatian island; under the forest is 61% of the total area. The rest of the area consists of cultivated areas under olive trees, vineyards and other crops, and rockery has less than 5%
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