

Na otoku Pašmanu možete pronaći i divno mjesto Kraj, ovdje se nalaze dvije lijepe pješčane plaže. Tu možete prošetati starom jezgrom koja je sva u tradicionalno građenim kamenim kućama, napravite obilazak i samostana franjevaca nazvan po svetom Dujmu, koji se datira još od 14. stoljeća a ima crkvu i muzej pored. To je mjesto u kojem se može osjetiti način života dalmatinskih otoka i sve ono što je modernom čovjeku potrebno da se oslobodi stresa. Okružen maslinicima, vinogradima i šumom, Kraj predstavlja idealan sklad mora i zelenila. Za sve avanturiste Kraj nudi mogućnost bavljenja raznim sportovima na moru, pješačenjem ili trčanjem duž obale, biciklizmom, planinarenjem i mnogim drugim aktivnostima.Do mjesta se može doći trajektom iz luke Zadar koji prevozi kako putnike tako i aute.

№241 in Cities of Croatia

The Kraj Maps


(13 reviews)
While walking through the streets the views of the water is very beautiful and the sorrounding is full of green vegetation.It is such an incredible view.
I was impresed by the olive trees and vineyard there. it was so rich and fertile and produced good products.
I took lots of wine while there and most of the wine were locally made. The wine had excusite taste and very rich.
I particularly loved how the meals were prepared with great expertise. Most restaurants had three-course meals . I absolutely loved the food.
There are a lot of little shops around Kraj selling locally produced olive oil, spices and cosmetics. The quality of the products is amazing.
Excursions are the best way to tour Kraj. Through this you are able to get an incredible view of different attractions and scenaries around.It was a great and relaxing experience.
I had the best diving experience ever. The best part is that there is no diving limits. The instuctors were interesting and engaging.