Prošćansko jezero


Kaže se da je Prošćansko jezero dobilo ime po kolcima ili legendi o Crnoj kraljici, koju su ljudi "prosili" da pošalje kišu za vrijeme velike suše i natopi žednu zemlju. Kraljica se sažalila nad njima, prekrila nebo crnim oblacima, a kiša je padala i padala sve dok jezera nisu nastala. Ovo je jezero drugo po veličini i dubini na Plitvicama.

№98 in Lakes of Croatia

The Prošćansko jezero Maps


(18 reviews)
very good!!!
The green, thick vegetation around this location provided a picturesque ambiance. The location has a calm ambiance and I loved taking pictures for memories. I will visit again with my fiancee during our romantic getaway.
It was great to learn about the folklore concerning the location. I learned that the lake was formed after Black Queen made rain to fall on earth heavily after people had experienced great drought. I will visit again soon with my sister to explore the location more.
This lake is among the deepest lakes in Plitvice. Spending time here was so relaxing and refreshing. Watching the sunset while canoeing on this lake was really so therapeutic.
I enjoyed the panoramic view of the landscape and the dazzling lake surface that was fascinating. I loved the reflection of the lake on sunsets and it was therapeutic.
The view of the sunset while having an evening picnic at the shore of this lake was splendid. My kids really loved this place. They said it was exceptional. The trails were ideal for children.
I was fascinated by the beautiful waterfall that flows to the lake and it was fabulous to watch. Unforgettable moments.