

Žuljana je malo ribarsko mjesto smješteno na poluotoku Pelješcu. Žuljana je s obzirom na svoju veličinu, jako bogata turističkom ponudom, pa tako ovdje dominira ronilački turizam koji se razvija iz godine u godinu i vinogradarstvo, pošto je smještena nedaleko od poznatih vinograda Dingač. Oni koji na Žuljanu dolaze prvi put, a posebno s mora brodom, ostat će zapanjeni njenim prirodnim raznolikostima, nevjerojatnim krajolicima visećih stijena, podmorskim blagom i ljubaznim lokalnim stanovništvom.

№42 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Žuljana Maps


(22 reviews)
we went exploring with the whole family on a boat. we found hidden islets that were neither full of tourists or idlers.
We had the opportunity to visit the vineyard and witnessed the wine making process that was enjoyable and had a taste of the fine wine that was produced.
Boat cruises at the sea were amazing and we were astoished by the natural diversity and the beautiful scenery.
I enjoyed the cool breeze at the peble beach aunder the pine woods sleeping on the seats relaxing. It was rejuvinating.
We loved the the experience at the campsite and the interaction between the natives and the wonderful moments we had at the camp.
This village has amazing hanging cliffs suitable for diving. It is also surrounded with dense vegetation ideal for a nature walk. My visit to this island was so memorable. I really enjoyed diving in its waters.
The clean and spectacular sea privides the wonderful opportunity for snokerling and diving and enjoyed the beautiful marine crratures and environment..