

Der Weg durch die Gespanschaft Varazdin muss zum Centrum mundi führen, das sich in der Stadt Ludbreg befindet. Eine Legende aus der Zeit der Römer besagt, dass in Ludbreg die Erdkreise erdacht und beschrieben wurden, an deren Rändern sich die großen europäischen Metropolen befinden. Abgesehen davon, dass Ludbreg der Mittelpunkt der Welt ist, ist es vor allem als religiöses Zentrum bekannt. Nach einer Legende aus dem Jahr 1411 bemerkte der Priester während des Gottesdienstes, dass sich der Wein aus dem Kelch während der Konsekration in Blut verwandelte. Die Ludbreg-Reliquie (Reliquie des Blutes Christi aus Ludbreg) wurde für echt erklärt, und das wichtigste religiöse Ereignis und die große Wallfahrt "Heiliger Sonntag" versammelt jedes Jahr im August viele Pilger. Diese Stadt der Wunder und Legenden ist der Geburtsort eines der berühmtesten Flugzeugkonstrukteure der Welt, des Ingenieurs Rudolf Fizir. Die Kombination aus religiösem, historischem, wissenschaftlichem und künstlerischem Material, interessanten Geschichten, den Weinbergen oberhalb der Stadt und den Bächen und Flüssen, die sie umgeben, macht sie zu einem angenehmen Reiseziel.

№67 in Cities of Croatia

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The Ludbreg Maps


(20 reviews)
very good!!!
I really reminisce about my visit to Ludbreg. I was captivated by its beautiful streets and alleyways that I have not witnessed anywhere else. The stone pavements and blooming flowers were just relaxing as I took strolls around town. I will never forget it.
Ludbreg is a very interesting town with lots of legendary landmarks to sightsee. There are very many statues and castles that I really delighted in visiting. The picturesque sites are very intriguing and calming at the same time. It's a very nice town.
We always come on vacation to this town with our friends. We particularly love renting the beautiful apartments on the hills overlooking the lush agricultural fields in the distance. The sunrise views from the balcony are usually enchanting. It's a very special town to us.
This town has some iconic churches that visitors visit from all over the world. My family and I enjoyed visiting the ancient cathedrals and listening to stories about miraculous events that happened in the past. It was nice to pray and relax in these churches. It was worth the visit.
I always visit Ludbreg every summer. I find it very peaceful and quaint. The locals are very friendly. The hotels prepare delicious meals like barbecued rump steak, salad, and very tasty pasta. I can't wait for the summer to visit once more.
This town has very exotic wines processed in the vineyards farms nearby. My wife and I had a good time tasting all the tasty wines on sale. It was nice chatting with other revelers. I recommend this town to all.