

Lučica je naselje kojeg čini svega 30-tak kuća, a administrativno pripada mjestu Lastovu. Zaštićeni je povijesni lokalitet koji je bio izvorno ribarsko naselje s kućama koje su služile za pohranu ribarskog pribora i opreme. Od centra otoka Lastova udaljena je nešto manje od 1 km. Do nje se dolazi asfaltnom cestom ili 400 m dugim puteljkom kroz šumu. U Lučici je zabranjena svaka nova gradnja pa su postojeće kuće renovirane u skladu sa strogim pravilima izvorne mediteranske arhitekture. Za posjetitelje, ona je skrovito, mirno i nadasve ugodno mjesto, bogate višestoljetne vegetacije. Riva je kamena, okrenuta prema Korčuli, a sama uvala dostatna je tek za manje čamce i brodice. Za turiste je to prednost jer se ondje mogu kupati bez bojazni od brzih glisera, onečišćenja ili gužve.

№542 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Lučica Maps


(4 reviews)
We felt secure swimming in the beaches around here as they were free from speeding boats, pollution or crowds. Staying at the waterfront was therapeutic to us as we felt relaxed and enjoyed fresh air gasps . Boat riding in the afternoon in the bay around was superfun.
The bay at this place was not crowded. I enjoyed swimming in the clean bay then. later I went boating in the lake. The breeze was refreshing and cool. It was fun as the boat cut through the water. I had a great time.
A beautiful place is how I can describe the location. The well maintained Mediterranean structures are a curious but beautiful sight to behold. In addition to this the atmosphere itself is just relaxing. I enjoyed my visit, learned some bits of the past and swimming in the bay. A pleasant visit.
very good!!!