Otok Olib


Otok Olib nalazi se u zadarskom arhipelagu, istočno od otoka Silbe. Danas na njemu živi oko 150 stanovnika. Jedino veće naselje je istoimeni Olib. Spominje ga povjesničar antičke Grčke Strabon početkom nove ere pod nazivom Aloip, ali je vjerojatno naseljen još od željeznog doba. Hrvati naseljavaju otok od sredine 7. stoljeća. Kasnije je bio pod mletačkom i talijanskom upravom. Otok je trajektnim ili katamaranskim linijama povezan sa Zadrom, Malim Lošinjem te okolnim otocima. Vožnja automobilom po otoku nije dozvoljena, moguće je jedino parkirati vozilo.

№265 in Islands of Croatia

The Otok Olib Maps


(11 reviews)
Morning walks and evening walks on the beach was the best thing that happened to me on my trip to the island. I enjoyed the cool weather and the refreshing environment that was rejuvenating. I loved my time at the island and would love to visit once again.
The sea was dazzling and the first thing at the island was going swimming with my friends that we visited with on the trip. The waters were cool and it was fun having a great time at the sea. We had lots of other fun activities that we enjoyed throughout the entire time at the island.
The beach was a must visit when we toured the island and the experience was unmatched. Great atmosphere with scenic views of the landscape and a picturesque place. I enjoyed sand bathing ar the beach and had some of the activities that were entertaining to us all.
very good!!!
Island of Olib is a treasured place. The place has few buildings that have been constructed. I liked how this place has been preserved with a lot of space.
Island of Olib has numerous beaches.We did various activites like swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing with my friends. It was a great encounter.
I was glad to take snaps circumnavigating the island. The photos are well kept in my gallaery . I will not forget this place