Dugo Selo


Die Stadt hat etwa 17.531 Einwohner und liegt 23 km östlich von Zagreb - jahrhundertelang entwickelte sie sich an der Kreuzung von Eisenbahnlinien. Die Geschichte und Kultur dieses Gebiets wurde durch den Namen des Heiligen Martin, aber auch durch die Tempelritter geprägt. Die Weinbautradition dieses Gebietes hat zu touristischen Veranstaltungen rund um den Wein geführt, wie z.B. Vincekovo auf Martin Breg - der Beginn der Arbeit in den Weinbergen und der St. Martinstag, die Feier der "Weintaufe". Dugoselske jeseni - eine Unterhaltungs- und Kulturveranstaltung, die von Anfang September bis zum 11. November, dem Tag des Heiligen Martin, stattfindet.

№113 in Cities of Croatia

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Dugo Selo
4.0 (1 review)

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(18 reviews)
very good!!!
I enjoyed my trip to this town immensely. I loved the taxi shuttles that took me on trips around town. The drivers were cheerful, professional, and always on time. I had a hassle-free stay. This is a fantastic town.
This town boasts of some ancient buildings from as far as the 16th century that still stand in place. Their magnificent architectural styles and beautiful gardens are good spots to stroll in and have family picnics. This town is a gem.
My wife and I visited this beautiful town and we had an unforgettable experience. The hot air balloon flights were incredible and the stunning views of the green landscape are forever stuck in my mind. The pilots were really pros and we had a smooth experience.
There are a lot of fantastic sights to visit in Dugo Selo. My husband and I loved visiting the archeological sites that had a lot of ancient ruins and remains to admire. The tranquility in these places is very soothing. It was a memorable trip.
Dugo Selo is a magical town. This is my favorite destination spot for me and my family. We especially love watching the incredible waterfalls and the beautiful lakes that look so out of this world. I highly recommend it.
My friends and I had a terrific time in this town. The trendy bars and clubs are always full of activity. We loved the outside seating where we could sip our drinks and watch the people come and go. It was a sensational trip.