

Das Gebiet ist seit prähistorischen Zeiten bewohnt, wie die Ruinen der Festungsmauer der benachbarten alten Burg Krog belegen. Triban und sein Nachbardorf Bibali entstanden im 15. Jahrhundert, als slawische Einwanderer aus dem Balkan von den Türken angegriffen wurden. Die schöne kleine Kapelle des Heiligen Georg innerhalb der Friedhofsmauern wurde auf den Fundamenten des ursprünglichen Tempels aus dem 17. Jahrhundert errichtet und 1758 von Bischof Marino Bozzatini geweiht. Heute wirkt sie, umgeben von üppigem Grün, wie ein Ort aus einem Märchen. Typische Tribünenhäuser aus schönem weißem Stein mit Folienbalkonen und einer Außentreppe zeugen von der erhaltenen traditionellen Architektur

№222 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Tribanj Maps


(13 reviews)
very good!!!
We went Mountain climbing and enjoyed hiking to the top. The view of the town from the top was spectacular. We walked around the mountain and saw some wild animals and different types of rocks. Going down was harder than coming up but we all made it safely to our hotel. I loved the adventure.
This small village reminds me of my countryside back home. Very peaceful and full of tranquility. Watching the waters as they hit the shoreline and seeing the view of the hills above felt really nice. The time i spent here was memorable.
I was delighted to learn about the history of the village during 19th century as a border to the Austrian Kingdom of Dalmatia. I also learned of the village being a cultural border between Croatian Littoral and Dalmatia. As a History major student this place was really helpful in my studies.
The inhabitants in village were very hospitable and kind and offered us a place to rest. The view of Tribanj from the Velebit Mountain is wonderous since you vet to see everything from the top of the mountain. I loved walking along the coast because of the soft warm beaches.
The history of this town is so amazing. I was stunned by its long coast. I enjoyed my visit to this town. Driving by the sea is something I would live to remember. It was such a stunning and amazing view.
This has a road next to its sea. I really enjoyed walking by the sea. The breeze was nice and relaxing. The view was spectacular. Cycling through this town and seeing its architectural beauty was lovely and mesmerizing,