

Der Duft der Kiefernwälder und des Meeres, unberührte Natur, klares Meer, Fahrradwege durch die Natur machen Susica fast zu einem therapeutischen Ort für einen Urlaub. In diesem Ort finden Sie nicht weniger als 5 Campingplätze mit allen notwendigen Dienstleistungen.Sie können diesen Ort von Zadar aus mit der Fähre zur Insel Ugljan erreichen, einen Tagesausflug machen oder bleiben, um die Vielfalt der ganzen Insel zu genießen.

№166 in Cities of Croatia

The Susica Maps


(15 reviews)
very good!!!
The ferry terminal here was clean and organized. I enjoyed ferry rides to and from different destinations. It was lovely just riding the whole day. The experience was memorable.
The view of the pine forest was appealing; a walk through the untouched nature was very therapeutic and also a source of inspiration in my art as an artist. I took several pictures of the forest that had accurately and amazingly captured the undeniable beauty. I had a wonderful experience touring this place.
I loved this place especially for the fact that it had camps with all the necessary services like restaurants. In the evening i loved taking bicycle rides along the paths through the nature . I enjoyed my stay here.
I enjoyed basking outside the wooden benches on the park with my novel, it was relaxing just to be in the presence of the green nature, I then went ahead and toured the other neighbouring camps and interacted with a few locals and made new friends. It was a nice endeavour
I really enjoyed cycling through this town. It was so memorable. I got to see and know more about this town. By cycling through this town, I got to see its pine forest. It was so magical and spectacular. The view of the sea was absolutely lovely. I enjoyed my stay in his tow.
I really enjoyed my stay in this town. It was really peaceful and calm. The environment was really nice. I had an amazing view of its forest. Walking through the pine forest was a therapeutic experience. There were camping sites within the town.