Little Iz


Little Iz ist ein kleiner Ort an der nordöstlichen Seite der Insel Iz. Es ist ein kleiner Inselort, und da sich die Anlegestelle für die Katamarane im Zentrum befindet, sind die meisten Einrichtungen der Stadt in der Nähe, auch wenn es nicht viele gibt: Restaurants, Cafés, Geschäfte, weshalb dieses Reiseziel seine Seele für einen ruhigen Urlaub abseits des touristischen Trubels gegeben hat. Beispiele alter kroatischer Baukunst sind überall zu sehen, die davon zeugen, dass die Insel schon in der Antike bewohnt war und für ihre speziell bemalten und gefertigten Keramiken bekannt ist. Da die Insel zwischen einem Dutzend kleinerer Inseln und Klippen liegt, gibt es für Bootsfahrer und Tauchbegeisterte genügend Orte zu erkunden, und von Iz aus fahren viele in den Nationalpark Kornati.Die tägliche Schiffsverbindung mit Zadar macht diesen Ort leicht zugänglich.

№322 in Cities of Croatia

The Little Iz Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
This place offered us with a peaceful vacation away from the bustle of the town. We stopped at the restaurants for our meals and i especially loved the fresh sea food offered here. The waiters and waitresses here were at our service and their services were fast.
I especially loved the specially painted and made ceramics that are show of the rich architectural skills of the craftsmen here. We also took photos at the paintings for memory keeps. Can't wait to come back to this wonderful place.
This island offered us with enough locations to explore through boat rides. Diving into the waters was the most exciting experience, it was delighting to catch underground living things as we dived through. A must visit for divers and boaters.
The view of this place from afar was amazing. I enjoyed the lush greenery and fresh country air. The climate was cool compared to the city got the air. I enjoyed my lone vacation at this place.
An amazing place to stop over for a have some amazing meals that can be offered. We went to a restaurant and it was the best thing that we did. We enjoyed some delicious meals and served with great drinks including wine. Unforgettable moments to cherish.
We went for boat riding during our stay here and we explored enough locations around. The painted and made ceramics and old Croatian architectural skills everywhere depict that the Island was inhabited since ancient times.This destination is an oasis of a peaceful vacation away from the tourist bustle.