Krapinske Toplice


Prvi spomen Krapinskih Toplica datira iz 1334. godine, tada se u popisu župa Zagrebačke biskupije spominje Župa Svetog Trojstva u Toplicama. Prva preteča današnjih bolnica u Krapinskim Toplicama pojavljuje se 1609. godine kada tadašnji vlasnik toplica Franjo Keglević gradi ksenodohij. Radi se o zgradi koja je služila za prijem osoba te se nalazila između crkve i kupališta. Slijedi ubrzani razvoj toplica pa su već početkom 18. stoljeća Krapinske Toplice najpoznatije kupalište.Na brijegu Zašat su nedavno, tijekom uređenja okoliša kapele sv. Marije Magdalene, otkriveni ostaci nadzemnih kuća građenih od šiblja, drvne građe i blata, zatim ostaci keramičkih posuda, dio okruglog keramičkog utega ili podmetača te kameni artefakt-motika. Radi se o ostacima visinskog prapovijesnog naselja, utvrđenog zemljanim bedemom iz vremena kasnog brončanog doba, odnosno razdoblja između 1200. i 800. g. pr. Kr. S obzirom na blizinu termalnih vrela u neposrednom podnožju brijega Zašat, postoji mogućnost da su termalna vrela u Krapinskim Toplicama korištena već u prapovijesti.

№170 in Cities of Croatia

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Krapinske Toplice
5.0 (1 review)
Krapinske Toplice
4.5 (2 review)
Krapinske Toplice
4.0 (1 review)

The Krapinske Toplice Maps


(15 reviews)
I had never seen thermal hot springs before. I came to this place to see for myself. It was amazing to see the hot springs. The water was really hot. I went from one spring to another until I got tired. I went back to my hotel and had a cool bath then later ate at an open restaurant while enjoying the view and the cool evening breeze.
Any lover of pre historic churches must definitely come to this place, there are a few churches around here that are built with great design and colour. There are also remains of settlement that are very intriguing to see.
On arrival, I learnt that this place was used as the reception of persons and that it was the most famous baths in the 18th Century.We were lucky to witness the discovery of the remains of ceramic vessels such as stone artifact hoe here. A very educative wonderful tour.
We toured the thermal springs located at the foot of the hill Zashat and were delighted to see the magic of mother nature. I marveled at the creativity depicted in the beautiful architectural design of the church.The house remains made of reeds, timber and mud are some of the sights to behold.
This town is popular because of its famous spas and baths. I was fascinated by its ancient baths and spas. It is such a wonderful and historical site. The people in this town were very friendly. I enjoyed spending time here.
The spas in this place were very fascinating. I was able to see how their technology and structures have evolved over the years. The serene environment was so relaxing. I loved my visit to this place.
I enjoyed learning about the archeological artefacts that were discovered on hill zashat. I was curious to inspect them during my visit in this location. I learned about the prehistoric settlements that existed in the late bronze age. It was a great learning experience.