The first mention of Krapinske Toplice dates back to 1334, when the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Toplice is mentioned in the list of parishes of the Zagreb diocese. The first forerunner of today's hospitals in Krapinske Toplice appears in 1609 when the then owner of the spa Franjo Keglevich built xenodochy.It was used for the reception of persons and was located between the church and the baths, followed by the accelerated development of the spa, so at the beginning of the 18th century Krapinske Toplice was the most famous baths.On the hill Zashat recently, during the landscaping of the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, the remains of above-ground houses built of reeds, timber and mud were discovered, as well as the remains of ceramic vessels, part of a round ceramic weight or mat, and a stone artifact-hoe. These are the remains of a high prehistoric settlement, fortified by an earthen rampart from the Late Bronze Age, ie the period between 1200 and 800 BC. Kr. Given the proximity of thermal springs at the foot of the hill Zashat, there is a possibility that thermal springs in Krapinske Toplice have been used since prehistoric times.
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