Insel Kaprije


Die Insel Kaprije im zentralen Teil des Archipels von Sibenik ist nach den Kapern benannt, die auf der Insel blühen. Mit nur 7 Quadratkilometern ist diese kleine, flache Insel hauptsächlich mit Olivenhainen und Weinbergen übersät. Das Dorf Kaprije liegt an einer reizvollen Bucht im südlichsten Teil der Insel und bietet gute Bademöglichkeiten. Die wenigen Einwohner sind meist Nachkommen von Flüchtlingen aus dem Gebiet, das im 16. Jahrhundert von den Türken angegriffen wurde. Die Insel gehörte im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert wohlhabenden Familien aus Sibenik.Auf der Insel Kaprije gibt es keine Hotels, aber vereinzelt private Unterkünfte.Die Insel Kaprije ist mit der Insel Jadrolinija durch regelmäßige Fähren mit Sibenik verbunden.

№199 in Islands of Croatia

The Insel Kaprije Maps


(13 reviews)
We reached here by a ferry. We took a walk in the vineyard, the ambience was pleasant and the atmosphere lovely, we even sat under the shades of the olive groves. I loved sunbathing at the bay as i enjoyed the beautiful views of the surroundings.
On arrival in this Island, our first destination was the palace church, it has unique interior design, we said a prayer before proceeding with our trip. We walked into the vineyard where grapes that make wine are made. We had a chance to taste some of the grapes and wine made from those grapes.
The historic sights here were amazing the old fortress was awesome. I walked around the fortress and had this cool feeling. I enjoyed sitting on the bench and watching birds of different types.
The island is really beautiful from the top, it is vividly coloured with buildings, the people here are full of smiles, I took a walk around the old parish church and it was really well maintained and upgraded, it was great visiting here
we enjoyed tasty wines from the vineyards, together with the cool atmosphere at kaprije island. my friends and I were excited walking along the warm sandy beaches. we were able to have a clue on how the refugees were attacked by the Turks in the 16th century.
we got friendly and welcoming staff and they were very accommodative. However, we had an amazing ferry ride which was something that we had never experienced. it was so adventurous.
This Island is so remote. I loved every moment I spent here. I really enjoyed swimming in its blue waters. Its an old Island. It dates back to the 15th century. I enjoyed visiting its churches it was such a divine and historical moment.