

Jadreški (tal. Giadreschi), naselje udaljeno samo 5 km, sjeveroistočno od Pule.Nastalo je naseljavanjem dobjeglica iz zaleđa Zadra (Iadera), krajem XVI. stoljeća. Godine 1580. nastanjuju ga i bjegunci s Cipra.Nalazi se u plodnom poljoprivrednom području, okružen šumama i poljima, pa se tako njegovi stanovnici se bave tradicijskim poljodjelstvom (vinova loza, žito, maslina) te sitnim stočarstvom i proizvodnjom mesa i mliječnih proizvoda.Neposredna blizina antičke Pule je odličan izbor za jednodnevni izlet i istraživanje toga dijela Istre.

№610 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Jadreški Maps


(4 reviews)
This was a great choice for our day trip with my friends. We visited the farms around where agricultural farming is practiced, in the farms we explored how different vines, olives and grains are grown. We also bought some of the wines, olive oils and grains as souvenirs back home.
This place was rich in olives and vines. They also kept livestock and sold produce of meat and milk products. I visited some of the farms and I was amazed by the activities that took place there. I learned a lot about how olive oil was made.
I found the place a beautiful destination to just have a change of scenery and feel, most of the inhabitants are nice people who are eager to give you a tour of their village and even allow you to taste some of their products. Coupled with this experience, I got the chance to explore ancient Pula, a nice experience to say the least.
very good!!!