

Ivanec ist eine kleine Stadt im kroatischen Zagorje am Fuße des Berges Ivanshchica. Aufgrund seiner natürlichen Schönheit und der landschaftlichen Vielfalt war Ivanec bereits in ferner Vergangenheit besiedelt, wie zahlreiche archäologische Funde in seiner Umgebung belegen. Im Laufe der Geschichte von Ivanec veränderte und entwickelte sich die Stadt, und im 16. Jahrhundert wurde eine Burg, eine Verteidigungs- und Wohnfestung, errichtet, die im Krieg und in der Nachkriegszeit des letzten Jahrhunderts vollständig zerstört wurde. Machen Sie einen Spaziergang durch das kleine Ivanec, gehen Sie zurück in die Geschichte, besuchen Sie die alten Mühlen, gehen Sie durch die Landschaft und suchen Sie nach Trinkwasserquellen, besuchen Sie Kirchen und Kapellen, die nahe gelegenen Hügel und die einheimischen Weinberge, und genießen Sie die Geheimnisse der verlorenen Ritterstadt.

№248 in Cities of Croatia

The Ivanec Maps


(12 reviews)
The town is magnificent and caught our eyes when we stepped to the town. We visited a couple of places around and took a tour around some of the churches that we came across. Amazing sculptures and altars that as superb. Peaceful places with great history and awesome architectural buildings that makes it an unforgettable place.
The first place that we visited on our tour to the town was the farm side and we had a little tour around the vineyard. Remarkable tour that we got to learn of the history and the process of production of the wine. I enjoyed the trip and even had wine tasting that was wonderful to have with my friends.
With parks and fortress the town offered the best places to visit. We went for a walk with my family on our visit to the town and it was amazing. Got to see the marvel of the place and enjoy the views and the refreshing atmosphere that was relaxing all through the trip.
very good!!!
I had morning and evening walks around the town and it was the best thing with sunset and sunrise getting the best of me. I had alot of pictures and this was theraputic.
We visited the town hall that assisted in the knowledge of the history of the place and its cultural activities.
I got the chance of going to the church to worship and pray while interacting with the amazing people. It felt good.