Die Pashman Insel


Die Insel Pashman befindet sich südlich von Zadar und ist eine der größten kroatischen Inseln. Die Brücke in der Zdrelac-Passage verbindet sie mit der Insel Ugljan. Das Leben auf der Insel ist seit prähistorischen Zeiten ununterbrochen. Im Jahr 1190 fand in der Nähe von Pasman eine Seeschlacht zwischen Zadar und den Venezianern statt, die die Zadarer gewannen. Die Insel ist reich an mediterraner Vegetation und verschiedenen Arten von Muscheln und Fischen im Meer. Hier ändern sich die Meeresströmungen alle 6 Stunden, so dass das Meer sehr sauber ist und die Auswahl an Stränden groß ist. Die Dörfer auf der Insel sind klein, ideal für Ruhe und Entspannung. In jedem Dorf gibt es mehrere Geschäfte und Restaurants. Für diejenigen, die einen aktiven Urlaub suchen, gibt es zahlreiche Wander- und Radwege.

№78 in Islands of Croatia

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Die Pashman Insel
4.0 (1 review)

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(20 reviews)
very good!!!
My friends and I had an amazing activ vacation on this Island. The cycling trails were so perfect. The different species of flora was so thrilling. The view of the island from the top was mesmerizing. We enjoyed our stay here.
The people on this Island were really friendly and hospitable. I had a memorable stay on this Island. I was fascinated with its history. It was really so relaxing. I enjoyed eating shellfish from its restaurants. One could also hike up its hill and enjoy the view.
The Mediterranean vegetation at this place made me relax. I enjoyed watching fishermen and I saw the various species of shellfish. I was amazed at how the fishermen caught their fish with ease. I enjoyed this experience.
For my active vacation, I went hiking on the numerous trails at this place. I also rented a bike and enjoyed riding in the woods for fresh air. I left this place feeling light and rejuvenated.
I enjoyed touring and experiencing the different species of shellfish in this location. I learned about their lifespan, their prey, predators, and how they survive in their natural habitat and the experts were quite fluent in explaining the matter.
My husband and I enjoyed going hiking and biking on the different trails in the location. It was a great exercise for me and I loved the fact that I was able to get fit even during vacations. It was a great experience and will visit again.