Otočić Sveti Ivan


Sveti Ivan na pučini mali je otočić sa svjetionikom na zapadu rovinjskoga otočja.Istoimeni svjetionik Sv.Ivan, izgrađen 1853. godine, nalazi se na najisturenijem otočiću malog otočnog arhipelaga ispred Rovinja.Uz hrid i opasnost koju je nekoć predstavljala za plovidbu zbog njezine teške uočljivosti, vezana je legenda koja kaže da se na nju jedan mletački dužd ploveći prema Rovinju skoro nasukao. Posada je u zadnji čas izbjegla brodolom, a dužd se u molitvama za spas zavjetovao da će na povratku iz Rovinja na hridi zapaliti svijeću visoku poput crkvenog zvonika, ali naposljetku nije zapalio ni običnu svijeću. Na sljedećoj plovidbi dogodila mu se ista pogibelj, ali ovoga se puta nije spasio već je nestao s čitavom posadom.

№442 in Islands of Croatia

The Otočić Sveti Ivan Maps


(6 reviews)
The lighthouse is an eye catcher especially at night whereby it lights illuminates on the Island. It was a thrilling experience to learn of the legend. who disappeared with the whole crew. It was such a wonderful fairy narrative to listen to.
We visited this island for a staycation to escape the reality. we had a pleasant experience. the place makes the most incomparable tasty seafood. we had a wonderful and relaxing experience.
We visited the island and the first identical thing about the place is the lighthouse. We toured the lighthouse and enjoyed the marvelous views from the tower. Great experience at the place and would love to visit again.
This Island is so small. I took a boat to this Island. It hosts the lighthouse of St. John. It was built in the 19th Century. Touring this Island is an adventurous experience. The blue waters were nice to play with. The view was spectacular.
Being a lover of horse riding, I came here to enjoy this activity. I had so many horses to choose from. My guide chose the best horse for me. I later went hiking and then relaxed in the evening with warm drinks while watching the sunset.
very good!!!