

Nakovanj oder Nakovana (einheimischer Name), ist ein kleines Dorf auf der Halbinsel Peljesac in der Gemeinde Orebic, Gespanschaft Dubrovnik-Neretva.Der Name des Dorfes Nakovane ist von alter und unbekannter Herkunft. Es wird erstmals 1335 als Nacovalda, 1357 als Nacoualna und 1372 als Nachovalna erwähnt.Eine Legende besagt, dass in diesem Teil von Peljesac drei Schmiedebrüder lebten. Eines Tages beschlossen sie, sich zu trennen, und ein Bruder bekam ein Haus (ein kleines Haus - eine Schmiede), wo er wohnte. Nach dieser Legende erhielt die nahe gelegene Siedlung Kuciste ihren Namen. Der zweite Bruder bekam einen Viganj, die Bezeichnung für ein Schmiedewerkzeug, und ließ sich an einem Ort nieder, der Viganj genannt wurde, und der dritte der Brüder bekam einen Amboss, so dass der Ort, an dem er zu leben beschloss, Amboss genannt wurde.

№99 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Nakovanj Maps


(18 reviews)
very good!!!
I loved the privacy of this location, the slow way of life, and the great connection with nature. The location was sparsely populated which was suitable for my husband and I to enjoy some alone and quiet time. We also went for morning runs in the beautiful forests
I went for hiking and mountain biking with my colleagues during our field trip to this location. It has a rocky and steep terrain hence we used it as a mode of exercise and had a great time.
My stay here was really amazing. The weather was perfect for kids. They said the trip was adventurous. We so ruins of several abandoned buildings. We also went hiking into its thick forest
The iconic about this town is their amazing beautiful abandoned buildings. Most of the buildings are quite old. Most of the fortresses are in ruins but one could picture their plans. The locals were so so friendly. I loved this town.
It is a small village just almost at the centre of the island. Legend has it that it belonged to a family of three brothers who then went ahead and split up later, the medieval ruins are still intact and still show detail of the ancient houses design, it was a nice visit
The old village is a great place to tour if one is a fan of old cultural heritage, it has great history and stone ruins of old housing, just outside the village there is also a hiking trail which my buddies and i enjoyed trekking through and awakening our spirit of adventure.